Jekyll, R Markdown and Plotly (Fulton County Example)

R Markdown and Plotly

July 8 2017 Saul Cruz


In this post, I’ll show a very simple example of how to use plotly using R and Jekyll. This post will basically demonstrate the function plot_ly().

For more information please refer to Plot_ly R Documentation




The dataset used for this exploratory analysis can be found in Fulton Conuty Open Data and represents the base (ground-level) outline, or footprint, of buildings and other man-made structures in Fulton County, Georgia.

I download the data using getURL() and load it into a dataframe.

Exploratory Analysis using Plotly

This simple example shows the use of add_lines() , this function connects x/y pairs with lines in the order of their x values, it is very helpful when plotting time series, for more information about it and some more examples please refer to the Plot_ly interface

Below, there’s an example that helps us to understand how many buildings have been built over time in Fulton, County, Georgia.

I do a simple count by year using the table() function, and I convert it back to DataFrame to easily visualize it.

colnames(data_count_by_year) <- c("Year", "No.Buildings")
p1 <- plot_ly(data_count_by_year, x = ~Year, y = ~No.Buildings) %>% 
  add_lines(name = "No.Buildings") %>%
        layout(title="# of Buildings over time in Fulton, Georgia")


To be able to display this plot I convert the elements to html. using the following function knit_htmlwidgets(“2017-07-08-Plotly_Example.Rmd”), this function converts the .Rmd file to html, and after that you can just call the html file from your post markdown file in jekyll. Thanks to Ben Cunningham and Brendan Rocks, Ben’s example really helped me to get where I needed.

knit_htmlwidgets <- function(input,
                             output_dir = "./_includes/htmlwidgets",
                             ...) {
        file_name <- rev(unlist(strsplit(input, split = "/")))[1]
        path <- rmarkdown::render(input, "html_document", output_dir = output_dir)

remove_doctype <- function(input) {
        html_lines <- readLines(input)
        keep <- grep("^<!DOCTYPE html>$", html_lines, invert = TRUE)
        writeLines(html_lines[keep], input)


Coursera Week 3 (R Markdown) Product Development Tools

Written on July 8, 2017